About SShh…

My name is Mary, but none of this can be just about me. It is about us…

  • My Father/Abba/Daddy God
  • My Savior and Lord Jesus Christ
  • My Counselor and Life Force the Holy Spirit
  • My friends and family and prayer warriors who have taught me the real meaning of love and encouragement

Back in the day, when Jesus sought me and bought me with His redeeming love, He gave me a ministry through which I could share some of the explosive joy that had filled my heart since He moved in. It was a ministry of encouragement through friend to friend counseling. In my naïveté, I thought that I had all the answers! It was obvious to me, people just needed the correct direction so I gave it to them with a spoonful of sugar… needless to say not everyone appreciated my words of encouragement.

Today I am appalled by the pride and arrogance I used in attempting to “help” people. But God… waited for me to grow up and turn from my ways to His ways, from my thoughts to His thoughts. Then… He began to train me up in the way I should go, which meant that the original ministry of Side by Side was shelved while I spent some time in the wilderness of my immaturity, learning to grow in love.

After many training sessions, God has gifted me with another opportunity to minister to those He sets before me. It is still Side by Side because we are not intended to travel this valley alone, but the friend to friend counseling has been replaced with a Hand in Hand walk… a fellowship through which, as Aaron did for Moses, we hold each others arms up as the need arises in parting the Red Sea standing in our way to hope and encouragement.

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