The Gathering… Present at His Presence!

Matthew 18:19 “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am in their midst.”

This last week I was privileged to take some time away with The Girlfriends. We went to Wimberly, TX, a small town with a big heart in hospitality. We laughed and shopped and took time to just stand and breathe in the awesome wonder of God’s version of everyday beauty. We celebrated God’s provision and care of all of us through the years that have held unfathomed riches and surprises for all four of us. When we look back, as we did on the occasion of the youngest’s 40th birthday (Nikki, sometimes still the youngest!), we could see the path where we were brought together and given opportunity for fellowship. A path that was never flat and non-challenging, a path that spanned 30 plus years with near and far times. A path that has always been meant to bring us into the Throne Room of God so that He might be “in our midst”.

Thank God that He does not need our weak attempts to bring Him into OUR throne room, but by His grace we are given His unmerited favor of His presence… God with us…

As much as I enjoyed our time together, in hindsight I grieve that we weren’t present at His presence. I don’t say this in judgement… of all of us I am the most clueless sometimes. I so take for granted His salvation and the redemption of my life. And in so doing… I miss out on the spectacular!

In this case, I missed out on true fellowship. The human version of fellowship is just spending time together… the Holy Spirit’s version is celebrating the Holy Ground we are walking on.

“I am in their midst” … Holy Ground!

The greedy child in me immediately goes for the sparkly… if I can get an agreement – I can ask for my heart’s desire! There is power in “going in together”… gimme, gimme and I’ll pray for you too!

Then the Child-in-Training wakes up and sees the REAL need… bonding, playtime, helping, hearing, loving, growing, FAMILY TIME! Not just the siblings playing outside, making up the rules of the games as we go along… but getting a glimpse of our future… living in our Daddy’s World.

That’s my favorite version of Fellowship… family time with the Trinity – Father… Son… Holy Spirit! Not just “being” together but making sure all of us are PRESENT in His Presence and enjoying our walk together on His Holy Ground.

Since we all go to different worship services (which I would remind all of us that this doesn’t guarantee fellowship) we don’t often get the opportunity to share the power and comfort of this special event which takes place when Jesus’ disciples get together. For those of us who are limited by circumstances, it is a Ministry of Encouragement to share the bounty of Holy Ground walking. For those who are not being given adequate training in Holy Ground living, it is the surprise package that when unwrapped, delights the soul and leaves behind the sweet aroma of pursuing God and all He has planned for each of us.

I love the words, “What can I pray for you?”… but my heart really dances when I hear, “Let’s pray!”

I enjoy catching up on all the latest going on in each of our lives… laughter, tears, and deep conversation can and does build intimacy… but oh the joy of hearing, and being a part of,  and cheering each other on in the sharing of what God is doing. John 5:19-20 “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel.”

I want to MARVEL! But I don’t marvel near as well alone as I do with my brothers and sisters… and what a better opportunity than when Jesus is in the house!

No matter who, what, when, where The Gathering takes place… I want the REAL DEAL FELLOWSHIP… I want to be PRESENT AT HIS PRESENCE!

In hindsight, we girlfriends truly enjoyed our time together… we were present together in Wimberly… and much was accomplished in our spirits.


We should’ve, would’ve, could’ve, added more time in Daddy’s Throne Room… next time FOR SURE!

**All Scripture quoted comes from the “Bible Gateway” app and is the NASB version of the Bible