I’ll Be The Judge of That!

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:5

Judge, jury, jailer… executioner! When it comes to thoughts, it has to be you. Yes, others want to, can, and will influence your thoughts IF ALLOWED. Absolutely, there are those in our world who wish to CONTROL our minds because, it is with the mind that the gift given by God at creation (Let us make man in our image), Free Will – the freedom to choose who/what your life will be about, will be accomplished. The freedom to choose whom/what you will love and serve.

From God – to the soul – to the heart – to the brain, the God given gift of Free Will comes with the breath of life. Once given, the receiver is set apart from every other creature and distinguished as a human being.

The gift is housed in our soul (that place which makes up all of who and what we are), and set’s it’s flag (or throne) in heart of the individual, as the bearer of the authority to choose what this individual loves and therefore serves.

The entity on the throne commands the brain to do what it does to MAKE IT HAPPEN! The Control Center for making things happen, is our brain.

Whereas animals respond by instinct, mankind responds by thinking and planning, which fires the appropriate synapses and nerves, which drives the body to respond accordingly, causing actions that will produce the results, the desires our “will”. These desires are the goals/mission/wishes of commander sitting on the throne and stored in the heart of the human.

It is with the mind that freedom is put into practice. It is with the mind that the body has the ability to pursue life, liberty of choices, and happiness. Not every mind of every person is equal in it’s ability to pursue. Damage from illness, accidental and/or premeditated brain injury, inappropriate drug use, mind-altering programs, or birth defects, can cause many of us to be unable to think for ourselves, and thus unable to give our bodies the instruction it needs to generate the results wished for.

Some people are unable to pursue freedom of choice because EVIL has come with the weapons of war that wish to destroy the person’s opportunity to choose for themselves. Under the guise of good intent, there are those who would steal/market the benefits of willingly giving your power of authority to them, or those in our world who desire to violently take away all freedom so as to be the ONE who has the power. (Notice I said, “destroy – steal – take away, I am not talking about those who wish to help or heal or protect temporarily, a mind under the stress and duress.) I am talking about the enemy’s desire to steal, kill and destroy the one thing that makes us unique and above all other creatures (including Satan). To kill the gift of our authority to choose whom or what we will serve and love, will make us nothing more and possibly less than animals.

Because it is God given and put into the core of our being, the gift cannot be destroyed. No matter the reason for a limited ability to put our choices into practice, the authority to do so remains in every human being! Even when we, as humans, fail to choose or to choose righteously, God, the giver of this freedom to choose, has never taken away His gift, the gift that makes us in His image! In my opinion, this one gift – free will – is the proof that God IS and that He IS GOOD.

There is no other way or means (not a Big Bang, not evolution, not a selfish god) for humans to have within them the opportunity and ability to choose, and the structure to make the choice happen.

There is no other creator or higher power who would give a gift such as this and not rescind it when it is abused or used for evil… come on, admit it… how many times would you allow your project to defy you before destroying it completely?

Choose you this day whom you will serve… where your treasure is there your heart will be also…

There is of course, just one thing you may want to always be aware of.

There is consequence for every choice put into action (for every action there is a reaction!?). Choose wisely!

Because you house such a powerful gift that can and will be used for good or evil, you will also be accountable for the mind that triggers such actions. “The devil (or any other accomplice) made me do it”, will not release you from the guilt of actions triggered by your mind.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:23 

The only hope for me, you, or our world, is to reprogram our minds… to abdicate our throne of life to the Will of God… to house within our soul, Immanuel (God with us)… to be born again in the image of God.

This is your choice. You are your own judge, jury, jailer and executioner… what will you choose to do with your speculations and every lofty thing?

**All Scripture quoted comes from the “Bible Gateway” app and is the NASB version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.