When All is Said and Done…

1 Corinthians 13:13 But now faith, hope, love, abide (remain/live on) these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Yes! This is Scripture… but they are NOT just “religious” words, they are the matches that light man’s fire of LIFE. They are in the soul of EVERY man/woman/child

We (every man/woman/child) put our FAITH, our HOPE, our LOVE into serving something or someone…


Joshua 24:15 If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…

With each choice,  come the “matches” that will light the “fire” of the service you have agreed to and/or wish to give.

The match of faith – your agreement that the person/thing you choose to serve is worthy of your service (at least at this moment).

The match of Hope. With its fire lighting the way, we pursue that which we envision (or hope) is our DESTINY – the hope of our “calling’.

As we move toward what we Hope is our outcome, we TREASURE  each and every milestone and trophy. As our heart proclaims the trophies of success and celebrates by polishing them, The match of Love assures of our choice and the fire of service becomes brighter and more passionate than ever before.

I believe Faith, Hope and Love were put into the soul when God created man (and woman and child) in His personal image. I believe it’s what sets mankind apart from any other creature. The breath of God blew into man not just physical life but the soul of life that includes choice, and thought, and desire, and pursuit.

I know, I know, I just triggered that RELIGIOUS STUFF!


Whether you believe in God or not, you DO CHOOSE a god to believe in. You set your standard and seek the BEST REPRESENTATIVE (god) of the standard you set, for ALL THE WORLD to see and KNOW YOU!

For a lot of us, WE are that standard, and as the standard WE sit on the throne as the BEST representative. We may be the god we serve.

You freely choose… Some might say that they do not have the freedom I speak of and I agree their life may include forms of slavery either by other humans or flesh induced addiction left unchecked. They do not FEEL free nor have opportunity to choose who will be their master!

But I say, even in the worst forms of slavery, there is a sliver of light that whispers to your soul and says, “I AM FREE!” Whether or not your outside environment tries to prove it untrue, your heart KNOWS the truth! The only person, place or thing that can truly turn off that sliver of light is you. If that should happen,  I would not be surprised if life, at that moment, ceases to exist because there is no faith, hope or desire for the future.

Choosing LIFE and who or what best represents your “kingdom” leads to striking the matches that light our fire for living…

From your choice of who/what, you give FAITH – trust/authority to that deity (sorry) representative. Their purpose/ministry strikes the match to light the way toward the Hope you envision… or else! With providing the path, Love is the match that lights the passion of your pursuit… the greatest of these is love!

Matthew 6:21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Love is the most endurable! Whether love for the good of yourself and others or love that is questionable in its mission and purpose, love will PURSUE success until there is no more DESIRE.

When we define love, we all want it to be the “GOOD KIND”. In fact, I think we blind ourselves to ANY OTHER KIND. Or, we enhance its position by attaching “I NEED”, so that whatever our desire is, love becomes the word that makes everything acceptable.

There are two things every human seeks… significance and security… one might even say these must be the PROMISE MADE for us to choose to serve. Significance being the desire to be known and thought of worthy to be known. Security being the covenant that binds us together so we are never alone or forsaken.

Everyone of us will use our freedom to choose THE “representative” which will provide enough of each of these, in order for us to find… contentment – satisfaction – peace that we have attained that which we seek.

The sigh of relief that we have lived or are pursuing the best of the best we can believe in – hope for – find success in.

Free Will…choosing for yourselves today whom (or what)you will serve…

Choice striking the match of Faith… the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Faith striking the match of Hope… the vision/desire that you will be filled to overflowing with satisfaction.

Hope striking the match of the heart to reveal that your treasure, your true love, is safe, secure, full.

When All is Said and Done… these three – faith/hope/love remain!

Take a look at the fire of your life.

There is no doubt in my mind you have chosen THIS DAY whom you will serve – possibly there are MANY – too many to name and some you will refuse to name but will serve anyway. Check out whom or what you have chosen to serve

Check out what/who you have put your faith in.

Check out the glow of your hope in the blaze to come.

Check out what’s in your treasure chest.

It is important information! If these three are the ones that remain, if they are the fire that lights up your life, if your life flame is in need of some fanning, faith – hope – and love are the ones you can look to when all is said and done.

If we seek significance and love, yet we lack the peace that we have attained all that we need…

When All is Said and Done check out the matches that remain ready to light the fire of your life.

Maybe, and I’m not judging (Matthew 7:3-5 Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.) maybe you have dipped your matches in things/people who prohibit your faith – hope – love from lighting the fire necessary to live well and burn bright. Maybe they have gotten wet from swimming in the ocean we call this world. Maybe the fire your passion for life has gone out and you just don’t want to strike any more matches.

Check out your Faith… your Hope… your Love. Whether they are burning bright or being threatened by the environment of your life, check them out.  And keep a check on them… because…

When All Is Said and Done… these three (faith, hope, and love) remain.

**All Scripture quoted comes from the “Bible Gateway” app and is the NASB version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.